[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
that isn't how this works. you can't just take those two glass blocks and magically create the five panes you need. it takes six glass blocks, which is four planks (one log) smelting six sand, which takes six cobblestone and six uses of your ex nihilo hammer. not even remotely the small cost you're trying to wordplay into.
That isn't how this works. You can't just ignore the extra output of your subcrafts. Your extra panes don't magically disappear either. Your extra tank doesn't magically disappear either. Your extra capacity doesn't magically disappear either. It isn't even remotely the high cost you're trying to wordplay it into.

With the six glass you're crying about I can make 6 openblocks tanks or 1 TE tank. How are the openblocks tanks more expensive when I get 6 times as many and 12x the capacity for the same 6 glass?

Matter of fact there are at least two quests off the top of my head that require glass panes. :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You asked for a recipe to be made easier. Multiple others countered your arguments. It's time to let it go. The fact that you'd go to all the effort of making a chart is a clear sign you're not doing that yet.
i haven't been 'countered' yet. people have been providing counter-arguments, which i am responding to in kind. this is the basis of any debate.

With the six glass you're crying about
where am i crying? you're the one who is suddenly starting to get hostile for no apparent reason. also, the glass isn't even the issue, and i never even implied it was. the issue is the obsidian, which is not so easily obtained on this map. over half of the resources in the image i posted before are for the obsidian alone, and there's no reasonable method for me to provide a visual representation of the time investment required to melt all the lava down.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i haven't been 'countered' yet. people have been providing counter-arguments, which i am responding to in kind. this is the basis of any debate.

where am i crying? you're the one who is suddenly starting to get hostile for no apparent reason. also, the glass isn't even the issue, and i never even implied it was. the issue is the obsidian, which is not so easily obtained on this map.
Look at your posts. You're clearly upset, here. Maybe it's time to put the thread down for a couple hours. We can debate it later if we really must.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i haven't been 'countered' yet. people have been providing counter-arguments, which i am responding to in kind. this is the basis of any debate.

where am i crying? you're the one who is suddenly starting to get hostile for no apparent reason. also, the glass isn't even the issue, and i never even implied it was. the issue is the obsidian, which is not so easily obtained on this map. over half of the resources in the image i posted before are for the obsidian alone, and there's no reasonable method for me to provide a visual representation of the time investment required to melt all the lava down.
The obsidian is simply a by-product of doing the early quests.

I have to agree with the others. If you would have to go out of your way to get the materials or the OB tanks would require ender pearls, then I could understand your point. But really, both are easy to make as soon as you've got a basic setup.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Wow. It's like the clash of the titans or something.....

I'm just glad for once I'm not on other end of this..... hehe *rubs hands* ... and the circle is complete.

let's just agree to disagree. ok? Move on. It's called an opinion. Everyone's got one, reitterating yours is not going to convince everyone around you theirs isn't. What we're trying to do here is discuss the game.

and btw, please take this one thing very kindly. If your machine sucks, don't blame a mod for ruining your game. Seriously. I am very bummed about 1.7 cause all of the packs till now have been lag beasts that I just could not play. Been playing PhoenixTeam's pack for last couple days and it's passible, tho not perfect. I've got a fairly strong impression that it's the mods and forge at play here causing all the lag, but otherwise, yeah, not the greatest. I can complain tho since I can run most 1.6.4 packs w/o lag, tho Thaumcraft and some others do NOT play well with my rig. I do not, however, go about bashing TC over that (I have other reasons to bash TC).

So again, if your rig has issues because of mod, and you know it's cause your rig isn't fast enough to run it, disable it, but stop bashing it constantly. You're not doing a damn thing but making it out like you're defending your honor, which, seriously, doesn't come into play till you start doing that ala "I think he doth protest too much".

Move on or take it to PM please. Being antagonistic and arguing (that is not debate) doesn't do anything when none of us around here have popcorn.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The obsidian is simply a by-product of doing the early quests. I have to agree with the others. If you would have to go out of your way to get the materials or the OB tanks would require ender pearls, then I could understand your point. But really, both are easy to make as soon as you've got a basic setup.
keyphrase being 'as soon as you've got a setup'. you can easily make an aqueous accumulator 'as soon as you've got a setup', but that doesn't change the fact that the crafting cost for it is absolutely insane (and with good reason for this map).

you need to look at the cost of the two tanks first, and then compare those costs to the progression of the map. upon doing so, you'll realize there's really no point to ever making OBtanks except at lategame for the sake of space/aesthetic. TE3 portable tanks cost less and are faster to obtain, at the cost of vertical space.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Please can someone help me ? I'm stuck at the grinder quest, I can't craft the grinder, I tried restarting my game and other crafting table but nothing work, my game is broken somehow or I'm missing something ?

View attachment 12778
How many times are we going to have to tell people about the books? It seems like there are two to three every day. This forums even has a search function. People say they search the thread but they don't go more than 2 pages back.

Maybe we should all have it as a signature in nice big bold letters.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
What would be awesome is before posting in a topic, person has to prove they know where search button is by performing a search, get 1 trophy point for successfully completing quest. HQM for forum. woot!

Yeah, I've been on the bbs's since 80's and everything in between. NOBODY ever does anything hard. easy first. Drive to work, see how many people drive around as if they're the only one on the road. Same mind set. Exactly. Would be nice if we had a "time out" button that displaced them into the phantom zone for x hours anytime we wanted. To think about what they've done. Works for toddlers. Should work for grown up toddlers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
keyphrase being 'as soon as you've got a setup'. you can easily make an aqueous accumulator 'as soon as you've got a setup', but that doesn't change the fact that the crafting cost for it is absolutely insane (and with good reason for this map).

you need to look at the cost of the two tanks first, and then compare those costs to the progression of the map. upon doing so, you'll realize there's really no point to ever making OBtanks except at lategame for the sake of space/aesthetic. TE3 portable tanks cost less and are faster to obtain, at the cost of vertical space.
The problem is your logic is based on some false premises.
While the material block cost of the tanks is accurate, the argument that 1 is more expensive than the other is based on the idea that your one and only goal is to build a tank starting the moment you spawn in the map. In reality, that is not the case, and as such, the relative 'cost' of each item needs to be reconsidered. You can easily make an XU cobble gen on day 2 (or 3 if you're super slow like I am), which makes cobble, in every meaningful way, free. In making said cobble gen, you almost certainly made a crucible and a bucket, making both of those 'costs' already paid for. Likewise, sifting the dust for your bucket and/or shears certainly gave you a surplus of bone meal. Again, item cost of zero. Getting the leaves/saplings that you need to survive the first couple days typically produces a surplus of wood, making cost of said item zero.
The point being, by day 3 or 4 on a typical playthrough, the cost of each tank is trivial. Given that the OB tank is twice the capacity (to say nothing of the potential render lag for which they are famous), I submit that the logical conclusion is that the OB tank should be more expensive, rather than the reverse.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Most of the resources needed to make obsidian are resources you either have in such abundance you can't even use them up (cobblestone) or are already required items for early-game quests that you should be completing before you even think about making any tanks.

So, let's just itemize the damages.
7 clay, 7 bone meal: Crucible is *absolutely* a required component of early game. This is a non-issue due to absolute necessity of the product as well as re-useability.
5 logs: Er... what? Where? 2 sticks to make a stone hammer (already a required part of early-game quest progression) which has over a hundred uses (you need only 12), which makes almost the entire resource cost negligible due to re-useability. Two more sticks to smelt the crucible. I'm failing to see where 5 logs are coming into play here.
3 iron ingots: An early-game quest has an optional reward of 8 iron dust. An iron bucket is essential to early-game, therefore the re-useability of this resource makes the cost a non-issue.
Cobblestone: Craft a Extra Utilities item transfer node, cobblestone and lava are now free and *very* rapidly replenished. Because a cobblegen is a complete no-brainer for non-challenge playthroughs, this makes any cobblestone cost negligible as soon as a natural cobblegen is created (in the first 2 minutes of a new world, if so desired).

You may notice I just made the entire resource cost except for a small fraction of two sticks negligible. Just throwing a bunch of item frames full of cobblestone up on a wall doesn't show even half the relevant data. If you want to make tanks before you make a cobblegen, or go really crazy and play a no-cobblegen challenge, then there's some resource investment involved. Otherwise? A few minutes of your time, and need I point out that an obsidian generator is a *really* good thing to have for other reasons? Thus even the time investment is a non-issue because of the value of obsidian plates.

@DoomSquirter No, Special Mobs really *is* badly coded. I'm fully justified in griping about a badly coded mod. Its features are not to my tastes, but do you hear me complaining about creepers that heal their friends, or ghasts that drop brutish zombies inside my compound? No, you hear me griping about bad coding practices. If you want to hear more griping, ask me about my trip through HarvestCraft's decompiled source sometime. At least crops are low-maintenance enough not to choke my CPU with constant pings, like an army of sonar operators on crystal meth.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
except i've never played 1.1.1, i started with 1.1.2. i experience plenty of problems with specialmobs, ranging from the minor to the major. the most common issue is the mobs glitching through walls. i could work around that by making double-thick walls, but the point is that i shouldn't have to, so i just disable the mod and save the headache.

it's not like specialmobs actually adds any real difficulty, the only problematic mobs are the giants and the ghasts... giants are easily dispatched by needlegun, and ghasts can be ignored after the cobblestone walls and roof are in place on day four or five (maybe six, depending on how early stability is reached with water/food).
I have never seen a mob actually glitch through a wall. I have seen them clip through walls when there were 30 in a 1x3 long pit. They never actually made it through the wall though, they couldn't damage me and creepers didn't try and explode. Making the trenches 2 wide fixed the graphical bug though.

I'm pretty sure special mobs is the one that makes pigmen spawn hostile. Having that turned off definitely does lower the difficulty. Being able to waltz around the city killing vanilla mobs isn't much of a challenge. I know because I had to turn it off in 1.1.2 beta because of TPS issues. As soon as 1.1.2 got released I died because I forgot it had been turned back on. A tough spider breached my previously impenetrable base and killed me in two hits.

The other night I was chilling in my base just doing some PC and smelting. Suddenly I was getting hit by arrows inside my walls, I was a bit shocked and turned around to find a skeleton with an enchanted bow riding a ghast. I died before I could even make it back into my ship to hide. Luckily I spent a buttload of resources crafting a sync shell before I even had my first machine. There have been a few other occasions where I have died purely because of special mobs. Previous to the mod being enabled I had only died due to the environment. It makes a huge difference those first few days and a huge difference when raiding cities too. It might not be that much of a difference later on when you are fully set up but getting to that point is where the difficulty lies. Even when you are set up properly, raiding cities or making mistakes can still end your world in an instant.

All in all I'm not saying you have to play with it on, it's your choice, I'm just saying that you aren't getting the full experience of the mod with it off. It's honestly not as buggy as you think. I'm actually going to be disappointed when Iskandar turns off the vampires, brutish, and ancients. I love the challenge of raiding cities when there is a chance one of these guys is going to show up and ruin your day.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I do really feel like I miss out on a lot with neutral pigmen. The best I'm able to do to compensate is to attack them on sight, but I still don't get the surprise suicide leap pigman experience.

Well, if the new job ever actually runs my background check, I might be able to justify getting a new PC that can handle Special Mobs. It'd be nice to move into the 64-bit world. ( ´_ゝ`)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Don't patronize me. I've been playing this modpack long enough that I don't have to report to or please you, or anyone else, by playing Hard route every single time. Nothing aggravates me more than staring at a sapling for 20 minutes at the start of a map. I want to jump right in and get things going so I can get back to where I was more quickly. Sync is also great for people like me who have older computers and die because of Minecraft performance issues. It's kind of hard to fight back against a baby zombie that somehow spawns literally 3 blocks away from you inside your hermetically sealed ship when your fps drops to 2 if you take damage from a zombie, yeah?
I was being deadly serious about the front of your ship. Looking at the minimap it looks like you don't have a pit or anything. It doesn't even look like you cleared the front so they can't climb over. It looks like you built a wall and wondered why they were able to climb over the front of your ship into the area. As for the zombies spawning, there is a yellow cross in the ship. It's also a known issue that zombies are ignoring the player spawn and player proximity rule on occasion. I have posted about it numerous times. The vanilla zombie reinforce mechanic is a bit buggy. When it is triggered zombies can ignore the spawn location, light levels, and player location. It seems the only thing they are unable to ignore is the 3 block high rule.

As for the other comments I was just shocked that someone would bother coming to the forums to post about cheating in creative items. Especially considering day 2 is about an hours work. I'm not sure what you expected by doing it. Were you expecting everyone to just agree with it? It honestly sounded like you were trying to justify to yourself and seeking approval from other people.

If you want to cheat then cheat. All I'm saying is don't expect everyone to agree with it.

I am honestly sorry if I came off condescending or brash though. That wasn't my intention. It truly was a "wtf?!" moment for me.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No I don't because in the future it should be a simple thing to make light without making heat. Think of it as bioluminescence dust that stores the light of day and releases it at night and we have just figured out how to put it in a pla
The Wither Boss is really easy to kill. (With mobGriefing Off he doesn't destroy any blocks, so just build a simple kill chamber and spawn him in there.) This gives you access to Cursed Earth to build a mob spawner with. It still only gives a Glistering Melon every few hours, but it's a pretty convenient way to get to Magnum Torches.
It's even easier if you place a sticky piston or two underneath him...... but then I play with mob griefing on so for me that trick gets delayed until the deep dark.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was being deadly serious about the front of your ship. Looking at the minimap it looks like you don't have a pit or anything. It doesn't even look like you cleared the front so they can't climb over. It looks like you built a wall and wondered why they were able to climb over the front of your ship into the area. As for the zombies spawning, there is a yellow cross in the ship. It's also a known issue that zombies are ignoring the player spawn and player proximity rule on occasion. I have posted about it numerous times. The vanilla zombie reinforce mechanic is a bit buggy. When it is triggered zombies can ignore the spawn location, light levels, and player location. It seems the only thing they are unable to ignore is the 3 block high rule.

As for the other comments I was just shocked that someone would bother coming to the forums to post about cheating in creative items. Especially considering day 2 is about an hours work. I'm not sure what you expected by doing it. Were you expecting everyone to just agree with it? It honestly sounded like you were trying to justify to yourself and seeking approval from other people.

If you want to cheat then cheat. All I'm saying is don't expect everyone to agree with it.

I am honestly sorry if I came off condescending or brash though. That wasn't my intention. It honestly was a "wtf?!" moment for me.
I think the creative energy cell was a response to the previous world being destroyed. In short because the mobs cheated on his last world he'll cheat in this one.

am I correct Genshou?

I must still say though I have yet to reproduce the spawn issues he describes..... I'm starting to wonder if he's changed something in the configs that affects spawning.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm.... Found a bug. If you "enchant" your golden bag of holding using the magical wood to give the bag reincarnating then when you die and go to your sync shell the bag and all it contains are destroyed. I imagine it is because it is a Hardcore world. Just a warning to everybody out there. Don't enchant your bag of holding if you want to keep it.

Never mind. It just appeared in my inventory. That was odd. I'm not sure if it was invisible or what.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So many mobs... I get swarmed at the dawn of the second day from all the spiders, creepers, and ghasts that have piled up.. Any way to turn down the swarm amounts?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So many mobs... I get swarmed at the dawn of the second day from all the spiders, creepers, and ghasts that have piled up.. Any way to turn down the swarm amounts?
go into %appdata%/[ftb modpack install folder]/crashlanding/minecraft/config, then find the config for specialmobs and change the spawn rates.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
heres a better shot of the mini map issue im having. anyone have any clues why this would happen on a fresh downloaded pack?


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