[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello people of Internet!
I request aid! I always get stuck at a certain point in this map. It's the water problem. I get to the cobble gen phase, have a small food income, and I have to bonemeal trees if I need wood. The problem comes with the water, because I never have enough. I cannot spend my time on anything else except water canning the crops or bonemealing trees, and using it to create dirt and making clean water with my furnace. I get bored and try something else, but then I get a heat stroke, get swarmed with spiders and lose all my hunger or something else. I'm playing the hard route ofcourse.
Any tips for early water gain? I tried shears but I run out of iron pretty fast. Thanks a lot in advance!
If you sift dust all night the first night you should be able to get 24 stones which will alow you to make a slab furnace and enoufe iron to make shears, shear leaves and compost to dirt, dirt+empty bottle=dirty water+furnace=water also the cold water is useful if you get heat stroke but if you are desperate then drink from the bottle or cold water+furnace=water and if you are really desperate drink dirty water it will make you sick, but won't directly kill you unless you have no food. These are some early game tips to use till you can get better resorce and better secured in your base.

After this there are several ways to auto produce water some suggestions

Pipeing dirty water into a furnace and clean out.
One furnace, 2 chest and a set of item ducts (1 lead and 2 tin) this is good because you can use rotten flesh or any other compostable itemfor water and it only requires 8 items+fuel

Fluid Transposer with a tank on top powered by 2 survivalist generators.
2 survivalist generators (2 furnaces 10 cobble 4 redstone 2 iron),tank (1 copper 4 glass) requires a fuel sorce, 10 items to transpose not as efficient as the dirty water but easyer to automate and has small chance of giving sapling when using leaves

Melt leaves in a crusiblepipe leaves from a chest into the top of the crusible and pipe water out from the side into a tank.
Crusible (7 clay 7 bonemeal), chest, tank (1 copper 4 glass), item ducts (1 lead and 2 tin) fluid ducts )1 lead 2 copper) requires 10 leaves and a heat sorce the least efficient but requires no fule or maintenance just drop leaves in the chest and walk away.

also note that you can use hoppers (5 aluminium and a chest) in place of the item ducts

These are the 3 most commen early-mid game systems after this there are all kinds of ways to improve theses systems but thats a whole nother subject


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have found a bug while messing around in my world. What the bug does is it freezes the game and then crashes the game. What you do is click crtl-Q to throw a stack of any item while simultaneously clicking "u" while highlighting the item. If done correctly, the game should crash.
those two actions are completely unrelated, why would you ever be doing them simultaneously?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Been running 112 with a few friends and now all the sudden we are not able to break blocks, open chests or interact with machines. The last thing I did was break down the ship walls to expand the base. Not sure if this has anything to do with this issue.
Has anyone else experienced this issue or know a fix for this?
That sounds like what happened to me when I was playing around with drones. Has anyone on your server been using drones? The issue occured for me when one of my pickup drones tried to pick up a phantom item. Every few minutes the game was able to catch up and I could do things for a few seconds before everything stopped working again for a few minutes. Although this was not on a server. I was able to get through it by breaking the problem drone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
what does everyone else think about buffing openblocks tanks? compared to TE3 portable tanks (the basic model), the crafting cost is a little high. 4 glass and 1 copper vs 6 glass and 4 obsidian (which in turn requires crucible, stone barrel, clay or iron bucket, etc).

the only benefit openblocks tanks provide over TE3 portable tanks, is double the capacity per tank, so i don't think it's unreasonable to consider reducing the crafting cost.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
what does everyone else think about buffing openblocks tanks? compared to TE3 portable tanks (the basic model), the crafting cost is a little high. 4 glass and 1 copper vs 6 glass and 4 obsidian (which in turn requires crucible, stone barrel, clay or iron bucket, etc).

the only benefit openblocks tanks provide over TE3 portable tanks, is double the capacity per tank, so i don't think it's unreasonable to consider reducing the crafting cost.
Keep in mind you get two tanks from the obsidian/glass recipe, so it's actually 4x the capacity.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
what does everyone else think about buffing openblocks tanks? compared to TE3 portable tanks (the basic model), the crafting cost is a little high. 4 glass and 1 copper vs 6 glass and 4 obsidian (which in turn requires crucible, stone barrel, clay or iron bucket, etc).

the only benefit openblocks tanks provide over TE3 portable tanks, is double the capacity per tank, so i don't think it's unreasonable to consider reducing the crafting cost.
Glass and obsidian are effectively free very early into the game. I don't really think a cost reduction is a glance in the right direction.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Keep in mind you get two tanks from the obsidian/glass recipe, so it's actually 4x the capacity.
oh right, always forget that since i never bother making them until i can mass-produce them, due to how cheap TE3 portable tanks are. it's still only 2x capacity however, 16 buckets for a single 1x1x1 openblocks tank vs 8 buckets for a single 1x1x1 TE3 portable tank.

Glass and obsidian are effectively free very early into the game. I don't really think a cost reduction is a glance in the right direction.
glass is free after your get a cobble gen (thanks to ex nihilo), but obsidian is far from free. it requires a ton of setup time to get all the machines and resources in order. by the time you can make openblocks tanks, you could have just made a tower of portable tanks to the height limit and been done with it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
oh right, always forget that since i never bother making them until i can mass-produce them, due to how cheap TE3 portable tanks are.

glass is free after your get a cobble gen (thanks to ex nihilo), but obsidian is far from free. it requires a ton of setup time to get all the machines and resources in order. by the time you can make openblocks tanks, you could have just made a tower of portable tanks to the height limit and been done with it.
Water over a stone barrel. Put lava into barrel, right click, receive obsidian.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
yes, i'm well aware of how it's created. it doesn't change the fact that my point stands.
You can have a cobblegen 2 minutes into the map. Add a bit of clay and some bone meal from the first night's mobs, a tree or two, and you have unlimited obsidian as soon as you complete enough quests to get 8 iron dust blocks.

How is this harder than grinding for copper?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm playing the hard route ofcourse.
Any tips for early water gain?

Yes. And this tip is for everyone who's new and struggling. If you play the hard route and at any point feel like you need advice because of a specific mechanic, feel free to come here and ask, people will (and in this case have) give you TONS of good advice. There's a whole thread dedicated to it elsewhere too!

BUT, the most important thing you can do is...Play Easy Route!!! Hard route is hard! If you are constantly dying because of the same exact problem (like water in damage_eater122's case), that means there's likely something fundamental about the way Crash Landing works that you missed. And that's totally okay. We all do that. Crash Landing is an inherently different experience, and it takes some getting used to.

But if you want to figure out what you're missing or doing wrong, trying to do that while also trying to manage the extremely limited resources of Hard Mode is a double whammy of pain and death. So yeah. Keep coming and asking questions. But also try Easy Mode. There's nothing wrong with playing Easy Mode. No one is going to judge you. It makes you no less of a bad ass. Seriously. Just...play...Easy Mode...until you know the basics anyways lol. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
what does everyone else think about buffing openblocks tanks? compared to TE3 portable tanks (the basic model), the crafting cost is a little high. 4 glass and 1 copper vs 6 glass and 4 obsidian (which in turn requires crucible, stone barrel, clay or iron bucket, etc).

the only benefit openblocks tanks provide over TE3 portable tanks, is double the capacity per tank, so i don't think it's unreasonable to consider reducing the crafting cost.

They don't cost 6 glass, they cost 5 glass panes. 6 glass gives you 16 panes, so they cost rougly 1/3 of 6 glass which is 2 glass, which is half the glass of a TE tank for a recipe that yields you twice as many tanks that have twice the capacity each. From my point of view that makes them cheaper, not more expensive. Maybe we should increase the crafting cost. :)

In terms of progression by the time you need tanks of either variety obsidian, glass, and copper are practically free. As far as things go that I would list as balance issues, this isn't one of them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
They don't cost 6 glass, they cost 5 glass panes. 6 glass gives you 16 panes, so they cost rougly 1/3 of 6 glass which is 2 glass
that isn't how this works. you can't just take those two glass blocks and magically create the five panes you need. it takes six glass blocks, which is four planks (one log) smelting six sand, which takes six cobblestone and six uses of your ex nihilo hammer. not even remotely the small cost you're trying to wordplay into.

How is this harder than grinding for copper?
observe the difference between TE3 portable tanks (left) and OBtanks (right). i also just realized i'm forgetting two cobblestone and potentially another log for OBtanks.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know what? I give up. If it's too much work for you, then it's too much work for you. I think Iskandar has enough data to make an informed decision (or non-decision), so there's no point in wasting more of your time arguing over it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know what? I give up. If it's too much work for you, then it's too much work for you. I think Iskandar has enough data to make an informed decision (or non-decision), so there's no point in wasting more of your time arguing over it.
that implies i consider it a waste of time, which i don't. i see OBtanks as being overpriced for what they provide compared to the equivalent, and am providing evidence that supports my claim. you are free to do the same (or not, as you've chosen).

there is no 'grind' for copper. sieving a single stack of dust provides more than enough copper to last for a long time. you do that as part of your first night already. any further copper can be obtained without effort, using the automated sieve you'll setup on the second or third day.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You asked for a recipe to be made easier. Multiple others countered your arguments. It's time to let it go. The fact that you'd go to all the effort of making a chart is a clear sign you're not doing that yet.