[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, about 9 months ago there was a post of the crash landing main website saying that they did plan on working on a CL 2 at some point. But that they were working on some other packs first to get more comfortable with 1.7. And as we all know, life if what happens when you're busy making plans. So doing that kind of thing can take a while. I am curious what the other packs are though and if any of them have been released yet.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2014
Well, about 9 months ago there was a post of the crash landing main website saying that they did plan on working on a CL 2 at some point. But that they were working on some other packs first to get more comfortable with 1.7. And as we all know, life if what happens when you're busy making plans. So doing that kind of thing can take a while. I am curious what the other packs are though and if any of them have been released yet.

Atonement and Modular Mayhem :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The link for the images of your Atonement base doesn't seem to work anymore, or rather the images don't work. But that reminded me, I was wondering if people would be interested in sharing pics of their Crash Landing bases.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anybody know of a better way of getting roses (or rose red dye rather), than just bone mealing grass?
1. Bone meal
2. City treasure chests

With the PnC helmet, you can sit on a roof and look at chests from far away to see their contents. Makes finding rose red dye and those elusive yellow hearts much easier.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2014
I wasn't able to use the PnC helmet that effectively. Maybe I need a step-by-step guide, but I ended up just yoloing the chests instead.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know nothing about the PnC helmet (though I'm sure I could look it up and find out about it). And I have NO idea what yoloing it means, lol. I'm assuming it has something to do with the dumb ass YOLO thing. Right after I asked about getting roses, I got some via bone meal.

Desman, is Atonement worth playing? It sounds awesome, but what worries me is that it's version is Beta 0.3, and it hasn't been updated in quite a while. So I'm curious if it feels totally buggy and incomplete.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there any way to armor the camel pack? What makes exploring ruins super hard is the fact that I can't wear chest armor because of water needs.. I understand why there are monster spawners, and that's fine. And I gotta dig for them, that's fine. It's the part where I can't fully protect myself while doing so that sucks :-/


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2014
You can drink (cold) water bottles instead, your dehydration doesn't increase very fast. They are not just for filling the camel pack.

Yeah, all of Iskandar's packs are worth playing :) I wouldn't worry about bugs, they are pretty polished.


Is this modpack still being actively updated by the creator?

And I don't know enough about modding and MC honestly, so I'm curious (and not criticizing) but why is this mod not made for 1.7.10? And while I'm at it, why are no modpacks for 1.8.x, everything is for 1.7.10?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is this modpack still being actively updated by the creator?

And I don't know enough about modding and MC honestly, so I'm curious (and not criticizing) but why is this mod not made for 1.7.10? And while I'm at it, why are no modpacks for 1.8.x, everything is for 1.7.10?

Short answer: Things are made for the current version and then not updated later.

Long answer: Crash Landing came out a while ago, when 1.6.4 was the version that most mods were updating for, so it was created around 1.6.4. Updating mods and modpacks is not trivial, so if no one maintains it, then it won't update to use more recent versions as everything updates around it. Most modpacks now are for 1.7.10 because that is the most stable base for most mods. Forge (the base that mods are built on) only semi-recently updated to 1.8.9, and so mods are updating or being developed on that new version at their own speed. Most (but not all) new things will probably be for 1.8.9, and there's no promise that mods/modpacks currently on 1.7.10 will ever update to the new version.


Short answer: Things are made for the current version and then not updated later.

Long answer: Crash Landing came out a while ago, when 1.6.4 was the version that most mods were updating for, so it was created around 1.6.4. Updating mods and modpacks is not trivial, so if no one maintains it, then it won't update to use more recent versions as everything updates around it. Most modpacks now are for 1.7.10 because that is the most stable base for most mods. Forge (the base that mods are built on) only semi-recently updated to 1.8.9, and so mods are updating or being developed on that new version at their own speed. Most (but not all) new things will probably be for 1.8.9, and there's no promise that mods/modpacks currently on 1.7.10 will ever update to the new version.

Thanks for taking the time to respond to my question, I guess that actually explains quite a bit for me. I got MC in 2011 but took a break sometime during 1.4.6 I believe, and just came back to MC about a month ago, so there is an absolute ton for me to catch up on, especially because before now, I only ever played vanilla. I didn't realize, but did suspect, there must be a gargantuan amount of work that goes into modpack, hence why they typically take so much time to update and why they usually don't get updated to more recent versions of MC. It seems like 1.9 could come out before any modpack for 1.8.9 are made available.
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Popular Member
Dec 6, 2015
King of the Hill
Well, it'll take some time before the first unstable mod for 1.9.Most modders want to use Forge because of the compatibility and Forge uses MC Coder Pack. So yeah, it'll take some time


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's the interesting thing about going back and forth between vanilla and modded Minecraft. When you've been playing Vanilla, then go to modded, there are some basic features that aren't there anymore because the modded version is older. Though why you would ever go from modded back to vanilla is beyond me... Lol. But even just from one pack to another, the main version might change. Which means that even if they use the same mods, they will be using different versions of them, so features will change. I'm really looking forward to some of my favorite packs (such as this one and Blood n Bones) having new versions made. Though with islander's new twins... I have a feeling this one will be on hold for a while, lol.


That's the interesting thing about going back and forth between vanilla and modded Minecraft. When you've been playing Vanilla, then go to modded, there are some basic features that aren't there anymore because the modded version is older. Though why you would ever go from modded back to vanilla is beyond me... Lol. But even just from one pack to another, the main version might change. Which means that even if they use the same mods, they will be using different versions of them, so features will change. I'm really looking forward to some of my favorite packs (such as this one and Blood n Bones) having new versions made. Though with islander's new twins... I have a feeling this one will be on hold for a while, lol.

I don't think the creator of this pack ever plans to update it to 1.7.10


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
According to the website for it, he originally did. That being said... I dont know if he still is. I also don't know that it really NEEDS to be updated. I mean it works just fine. Unless the plan is to drastically change it, then updating it wouldn't really serve a purpose. It's an awesome pack, but not one that I feel the need to keep replaying.

Where as I feel packs such as Atonement (also by Iskander) or Blood N Bones, I feel they have a lot more replay value and would benefit from updates more. Though Atonement is hardly out of date yet. BnB on the other hand is, but I know that Eyamaz also greatly changing the overall mechanics.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
According to the website for it, he originally did. That being said... I dont know if he still is. I also don't know that it really NEEDS to be updated. I mean it works just fine. Unless the plan is to drastically change it, then updating it wouldn't really serve a purpose. It's an awesome pack, but not one that I feel the need to keep replaying.

Where as I feel packs such as Atonement (also by Iskander) or Blood N Bones, I feel they have a lot more replay value and would benefit from updates more. Though Atonement is hardly out of date yet. BnB on the other hand is, but I know that Eyamaz also greatly changing the overall mechanics.
I can confirm that Iskandar more or less does NOT intend to update the pack. You can, however, find other packs with bits and pieces of CL's mechanics set; Regrowth springs to mind as a potential candidate.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Perhaps an update is needed for the website then. Because right now the newest post (which is admittedly almost a year old) says:

"And last but not least for those of you asking about CL 2 Iskandar and I do plan on releasing one in the future but right now we have a few other pack we are working on to help us get a feel for 1.7 before we take on CL2 so be patient good things come to those that wait."

Though I suppose saying they plan on making a Crash Landing 2 isn't the same as saying they're going to remake/update the pack to 1.7. Perhaps Crash Landing 2 will be a while new thing, but with the same premise. Or maybe at this point they've just dropped that idea altogether. I understand, people get busy. But if that is the case, then as I said, maybe the website needs updated.

In the mean time, it's back to Atonement for me :)
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Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
Crash Landing 2 wil lbe a thing. At the moment I am involved with rebuilding Atonement. And after that I will likely be busy with brand new twins arriving sometime, likely, in March. When I have the time and energy I will be investigating the best way to approach Crash Landing 2.