[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
how can i make broken reactor controller and broken turbine control? i looked at google and i didnt find anything no recipes and i even looked wiki still nothing can anyone tell me how to make broken reactor and turbine control? please?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I recall reading something several pages back about possibly nerfing/eliminating the villagers who trade one emerald for a full stack of awesome food. I didn't notice anything about that on the faq, just curious if any changes were made there.
By the time you can make a vilager you shoulnt even be thinking about food anymore so i havnt done anything to change this. Unless you know a way to get villager early game

how can i make broken reactor controller and broken turbine control? i looked at google and i didnt find anything no recipes and i even looked wiki still nothing can anyone tell me how to make broken reactor and turbine control? please?

The broken reactor controller and broken turbine control dont exist anywere but this pack they are custom blocks made with the Rockdiger Mod by LordDusk and some great textures that we got from [URL='https://twitter.com/electrodynamix']CyanideX [/URL]


Active Member
Nov 21, 2014
I have been enjoying Crash Landing since back in September and it has been the first really modded pack I have played. Just downloaded the new version and started a new world and was dismayed to find that it was noontime already. Since I was already familiar with Crashing Landing, it wasn't to much of a problem, but new people would find it hard to deal with. Is there a way that the time could be set to whether you choose the Hard route or Easy Route? Hard Route would continue at Noon time and the Easy Route would set the day at Morning to give new people the feel for how the pack works.

I was also surprised, that the first night for me, all my Mobs were Enderman. I collected 38 Ender seeds in the morning and ONE zombie flesh. The mobs are now spawning more evenly all though the skeletons seem to be still light in numbers.

Thanks Iskandar and Shane for this wonderful, enjoyable pack.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Has anyone added any mods to this pack? I really love this pack, but I had to add a least one mob that I have grown to rely on. Enderchest mob for the Ender Pouch.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Has anyone added any mods to this pack? I really love this pack, but I had to add a least one mob that I have grown to rely on. Enderchest mob for the Ender Pouch.

I don't know about the Enderchest mob/mod, but I used InGameInfo back in 1.2 -- still haven't installed it in 1.3. Hope to do so this weekend.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Downloaded 1.1.3 today and fired up a new world, after having already played 1.1.2 through to completion.

Died to a creeper explosion immediately after the first night with no sync clone.

Welcome back to Crash Landing!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know modular Power Suits mod was talked about and rejected:) I was just thinking how cool it would be if there was a part of the ship that was jettison (the cargo hold). Your quest is to find it, and inside would be a few goodies, and behind glass, or obsidian sits your complete exo power suit. unfortunately it still took damage from the crash, and you have to craft all the upgrades for it. There could be quests for some of the basics. OR,OR there could be some of the basic upgrade that were scattered around a city that is well overrun by baddies, and you can only get them by retrieving them. I just thought that was a good thing to get out there whether or not it ever happened:)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i was killt by a mob ans spawnt im my clone and figured out the clone cant dehydrate and heat up i think this is a bug or ? and sorry for my bead english


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When I play the pack now, my skin doesn't work. What's up with that?
This has been a on and off problem for a while now and I'm still not sure how to fix.

i was killt by a mob ans spawnt im my clone and figured out The clone cant dehydrate and heat up i think this is a bug or ? and sorry for my bead english
Hmmm I thought I had fixed this in 113 but I gess not. To fix just relog.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay so fluids are all weird. A crucible with a faucet on it will, when you try to pour out the last of the liquid (I ran into this problem with an ingot cast), instead claim and appear to be empty while keeping ahold of a tiny amount of fluid. Re-entering the world fixes it so that you can pour out the remaining liquid and complete whatever task it was you were trying to do.

A crucible with a fluiduct on it can do this, where the fluiduct is stuck thinking it's carrying a fluid it has none of:

I had previously filled that tank with exactly one bucket of lava.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
when using the new server something weird happens, i dont spawn in the shuttle but in a jungle instead. When i look into the server files, it seems two worlds folders are generated, Crash Landing 1_1_3 & CrashLanding112. Could this be the problem? deleting crashlanding112 causes the game to just regenerate it. Note that i extracted the new beta server files to a new folder, so no overwriting was done

edit: note for anyone with this problem, just open the 112 folder, delete everything inside and copy everything from the 113 folder into it.

its not a big deal, but just to let you know this exists
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
when using the new server something weird happens, i dont spawn in the shuttle but in a jungle instead. When i look into the server files, it seems two worlds folders are generated, Crash Landing 1_1_3 & CrashLanding112. Could this be the problem? deleting crashlanding112 causes the game to just regenerate it. Note that i extracted the new beta server files to a new folder, so no overwriting was done

edit: note for anyone with this problem, just open the 112 folder, delete everything inside and copy everything from the 113 folder into it.

its not a big deal, but just to let you know this exists

yea sry about that i forgot to change the level name to Crash Landing 1_1_3 in the server.properties


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2012
Is there some way you can detect if the player has used their last remaining water bottle and either give them one or make a quest with a water bottle reward in it repeatable? I'm asking this because my avatar is an idiotic derp and went and used his last water bottle from the quest that gives them to you before he realized he'd need it for a quest! It'd be nice if you could idiot-proof my avatar, or at least make singular water bottles easier to get if you derp up and forget you needed one.

And to top things off, he went for the easy route! *sighs* Where's a 'suicidal avatar' button when I need one? ;)

Cheers ...



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, I've been absent on these forums for a while, waiting for the new update. Have to say, I am very unhappy with the changes to cities.

For starters, I am not sure what is supposed to be easier about my the "starter city." It had plenty of blazes and pigmen and while the buildings seemed smaller than in other cities (the small, 3 floor square shaped buildings only had 2 floors, for instance), there didn't seem to be anything "easier" about it. It seemed just as hard as any city I had visited before. Died to a dual brutish zombie pigman spawn. Fun.

As for the real meat of my dissatisfaction with the changes, buried cities are not fun. This applies especially to the deeply buried cities, but also to the less buried cities, just to a lesser extent. Not only is finding the buildings your looking for more complicated, but there is just SO much digging. So once you find your factory, you have to dig. A lot. And to do that, you have to clear out the surrounding buildings, which means more digging. And once you've dug out the surrounding buildings, then cleared them, then dug out your building of choice, you have to clean away the roof and then travel a bunch of blocks away to make the oodles of monsters inside the building despawn. Then you gata rush back, clear the spawners from your chosen building, and finally, you get to loot...a single factory building. All this makes city exploring extremely labor and time intensive. You run thru an insane amount of food and water, not to mention real life time, just to raid a single factory.

Now, I understand you don't have to do it this way. You can dig out a factory while the surrounding buildings are still churning out enemies. Or you could just dig a stairway into the factory. Sure, those are both options...if you want to be surrounded by dozens of monsters all the time. Sure, totally viable. In reality, the only thing you're going to get by doing that is a very serious case of the deads. Maybe I am just absolutely awful at minecraft combat, but fighting a room with 20+ monsters at the same time is not my idea of fun. Nor is digging hundreds of blocks of dust per building. Both are terrible options. Maybe this kind of play would be okay for super deluxe buildings, the kind that hold really high end loot or that are part of the end game. But every factory building? No thank you.

The big issue here is that cities should be an integral part of the game. I might have had better luck if I had sat around in my base for dozens of real world hours and ground out a set of diamond armor with enchants and laboriously put together and leveled a tinker's construct weapon via the crucible, but I shouldn't have to do that to raid my very first city. But as it stands, Brutal Pigmen 2 shot me in tough leather armor (which had the same armor value as invar in the last version of Crash Landing, just less durability) even while wearing a chestpiece. There's no way I can wade thru 2 of those at a time, let alone 1-2 of them with some blazes and creepers and skeletons and zombies thrown into the mix.

The worst part about all this is that burying the cities did almost nothing to limit my ability to "window shop" chests out of non-factory buildings. Many buildings had floors that were flush with the ground (the "hotel" style buildings were the ones that had that the most often), and even the ones that didn't have floors flush with the ground had floors only 2-3 blocks above it. That's a tiny hop for a jetpack (I had a leadstone one because of the early quest reward). And even without the jetpack, it's a moments work to build a makeshift set of stairs up to the chest, which you then grab from the outside of the building, and head on to the next. So yeah, if I am not mistaken, the main purpose of burying the cities (to prevent "window shopping") is almost completely defeated.

So yeah. The new version of CL cranks the difficulty up from "challenging" to "balls-to-the-walls insane." It's not difficult, it's dumb. And more importantly, it's not fun. Maybe I'm doing cities "wrong." But if the "right" way to do cities is to charge into a room that's literally wall to wall enemies, that's not good design, IMO. Minecraft's combat system isn't designed to allow you to go 20 v 1 and walk away alive. And if the "right" way to do cities is some sort of gimmick that I am overlooking, that's also not good design. Gimmicks are only fun when they are the sort of thing you do because you want to, not because that's the only way to get shit done.

Anyway, that's my rant. I'd love to hear if there's something I missing or what not, but as it stands, I think that unless massive changes are made to the way cities are spawned, I am done with CL. And that makes me super sad. This is the pack that reignited my passion for Minecraft. It's the pack that got me excited to play again. I've been waiting for this update with extreme anticipation. And now I feel that I'm just not able to play anymore. And that makes me sad.

EDIT: I know it's a long shot and that it'd be a lot of extra work, but maybe there'd be a way to have to separate versions of Crash Landing, one with buried cities and one without? I doubt this would be feasible, but I also doubt that buried cities are going away, and I'd love to still have a version of Crash Landing I would want to (and be able to) play.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
salt and pebbles doesnt seem to be dropping from dust sieving... anyone else?

edit: it appears fluid transposer doesnt work either
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