[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
I am not familiar with Tubes. My "piping" mod experience is TE, EIO, and now EU. I like EU piping, don't get me wrong. It's cheap, it's reliable, it doesn't clog. It's good stuff. It's just VERY slow at moving individual items to many different places. If you're going from A to B with stacks of the same item, it's plenty up for handling the job with absolutely no issues at all. If you are moving from A to B-Z, you're moving 1-64 items at a time, and you're moving 50 different types of items, even extreme amounts of upgrades isn't enough.

This seems like a very specific example, and it is. Most people probably won't run into this issue, especially in modpacks that don't use Ex Nihilo. But I a automated sifter set up, going into barrels, has this exact issue. Dust has 20 something different items you can sift out of it. If each item has a barrel, what happens is that the EU xfer node looks at each barrel to find the one where the item it's trying to sort can go. So if it's looking for the barrel where the fish go (from sifting dust), basically, what it does is look at barrel 1. Eggs? Okay, next barrel. Glowstone? Okay next barrel. Redstone? Okay next barrel. Etc, until it finds the one for fish. Than it drops the fish in that barrel. Now it's got a redstone. Start the process over. Now it has another fish? Start the process all over, even though it just dumped a fish into a barrel just a moment ago, still has to look thru all of them again.

And yeah, SFM totally solves this issue. And I'll likely be using SFM for my next playthru instead of EU piping. But I shouldn't be forced to use SFM instead of a standard piping system if I don't want to have to deal with programing.

Like I said, EU piping works fine for most situations. But for some, specifically some in this modpack, it is very inadequate.
SFM for basic things requires very little programming. I think the same amount of time programming could be equated to configuring filters on all the TE pipes and is fully equatable (time wise). Resource wise tho, to get true functionality out of it, you definitely need more resources to go the sfm route. but on the flip side, alot less space.

One caveat tho. As I've found the issue with the grinder, we have no idea if sneaky sided will work on all machines, if at all in 1.7. Limiting our option to something that might/might not work is never a good choice.

There should be a piping system that just works (I know, TE has issues with clogging, etc... but I think most of the issues are resolvable with dense settings, etc...)


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
Fortune+auto-smelt gives me no rubber at all from rubber trees. Somehow I feel that using all of my lapis (408) for no reason is your fault! :)
Really? That's odd. I was pretty positive that worked in the past. However it does increase the charcoal output so jungle trees should still be amazing.

That's the damnedest thing though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, I'm considering making 1.1.3 the last of the 1.6.4 updates. There is a growing list of unfixable bugs that are getting quite, quite annoying. The only downside is I'll have to completely rebuild the pack, which would take a month...and a map reset would be absolutely MANDATORY. What do you guys think?

map reset? oh gosh :3


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Hoff @DoomSquirter @PODonnell @twisto51 @pc_assassin

hey everybody i need help Iskandar has gone crazy over all the ppl playing his Pack he wants to compleatley redo CL1 on 1.7 this will take at least 2 months that means atleast 2 months befor work on CL2 can start but if he finishes it on 1.6 then he can be done in about a month or less then start on CL2 and the reason for this is because theres a few bugs he cant fix heres a bit from our talks

Yeah. The biggest issue is HQM. It is misbehaving for a small, bug growing amount of people. It refuses to auto start on new maps, which even the devs can't figure out. Then there is water problems. Ugh. Let me get to my computet
The weird book metadata from Chisel
Heck, go to http://www.reddit.com/r/FTBCrashLandingBeta/ amd just go down the list

Iskandar: Or skim the last 20 pages on the official FTB forum thread and note the number of "not working" posts, a lot of which I have no clue how to fix
Sent at 1:12 PM on Thursday

shane: ok well lets see HQM the sign in the ship helps with that as to chisel you could make note of this in the Grinder quest plus you could post both of theas on the OP padge of the forum and Create a bugs page on the website for ppl to look for known bugs and posable fixes. Water well if ppl are going to cheat there going to cheat no mater what you do. TE not much to do there.
and Sync all you need do is ether add a cheap chunk loader or when you update the map start it with the Cities and Lone Building off but leave the dunes then explore about 700 block aroun spawn then start the structures this way you can have the shuttle at the true spawn which is auto loaded and not worry about cities being to close or being pregegerated me id do both that way if someone wants a clone somwhere other than spawn they can set a chunk loader an not worry about falling through the world

Iskandar: Yeah, but the answer to these bugs really shouldn't be either ignore or work around it. When the pack was small, yeah, but with tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands playing it now the answer to these bugs really needs to be "ok, I'll pass that along to be fixed" not "I'm aware and I can't do anything about it" And, again, HQM is really beginning to worry me. It isn't behaving correctly, and it is central to my pack. I need the damn thing to work and in a growing number of cases it isn't.

My responce to this is to so long as ppl know about the bugs and dont have look through 300+ padges to learn about it then they wont care about a few bugs so create a bug link on the new website listing known bugs and possible solutions.

pass this on to as many ppl as you can i want Iskandar to know ppl love his pack the way it is and they dont want to wait over 2 months for CL2
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was drinking a bottle of water(not cold) and ten I got infinite dehydration try log in & log off not working
It sounds to me like you filled water bottles directly from a placed water source block. Placed water bocks give you salt water, which will give a dehydration debuff. It's not an infinite debuff, but it can easily be the end of you if you don't have other alternatives available.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi Iskandar, I tried starting a Conversation with you about this but have not received a reply so I'll ask here.

Three block placing machines are included in Crash Landing:
TE Autonomous Activator
MFR Block Placer
and Open Blocks Block Placer

The former 2 require circuit boards, the latter just a piston. I wanted to know if this is intentional or a recipe oversight.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi guys. I have a small problem with the mod pack. How do I deliver the "Sapling the Saplings" quest? I have 1000 mb of water in a transposer, but the quest book still shows 0/1000. The side I marked as output is directly touching the "quest delivery system".


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

pass this on to as many ppl as you can i want Iskandar to know ppl love his pack the way it is and they dont want to wait over 2 months for CL2

I don't believe the bugs are bad enough to warrant not finishing CL1 on 1.6.4. It needs the glorious ending that was hinted at. Even if Iskdandar doens't add it, the members on our server will create our own ending. Why would we then start a new map an play the same thing in 1.7?

CL2 needs to be different...not just CL1 on 1.7.10. How about a snow planet? What about using Galacticraft and having multiple planets? Focus on mods other than PC (as long as it remains an Industrial pack)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi guys. I have a small problem with the mod pack. How do I deliver the "Sapling the Saplings" quest? I have 1000 mb of water in a transposer, but the quest book still shows 0/1000. The side I marked as output is directly touching the "quest delivery system".
Did you turn the water droplet in the other direction so instead of making water it gives it out?
Does the QDS show a little mushroom toon on it so you can tell that the task has been assigned?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi Iskandar, I tried starting a Conversation with you about this but have not received a reply so I'll ask here.

Three block placing machines are included in Crash Landing:
TE Autonomous Activator
MFR Block Placer
and Open Blocks Block Placer

The former 2 require circuit boards, the latter just a piston. I wanted to know if this is intentional or a recipe oversight.

The AA is gated as it's a lot more than just a block placer. The MFR is gated simply because it's recipe normally includes a machine block.

The open blocks placer is available for early automation.

Nothing here strikes me as an error, or oversight. I suppose there isn't much need for the MFR placer to be as expensive as it is, but I also don't see much need to alter the recipe when there is another readily available alternative.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@shane & Iskandar

I'd say finishing the 1.6 version would be a more optimal use of time and effort. The simple fact is that 1.7 mod development is still too far away from being ready for the unique experience CL is. Push out 1.1.3, then make 1.1.4 a pure content release of quests with minor bug fixes, and call it 1.1.4 Final.

Once you guys get to that point, 1.7 goodies should be smoothing out and make starting CL 2 Dusty Boots a viable option to start an alpha build. Since the player base us strong, there's not much worry about losing so many players that it kills the project. Finishing 1.64 version and adding content not only buys time, it ensures longevity...just look at WOW or the Sims franchise for proof of that concept.

1.7 version will be a ground up rebuild which is why I mentioned alpha release. I'm assuming plans remain the same as far as keeping the pack lightweight, but the potential for new and/or replaced mods are very high and welcome. CL ripped me out of my comfort zone, tossed me out on my ass, and I love it as do 90 plus percent of your player base. I'm sure I'm not alone in hoping that when 1.7 settles down, CL 2 Dusty Boots does it to us again. :)
Sent from my obsolete Nokia via Tapatalk


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
CL2 should not be a dust planet with heat being the concern. it should be something else, such as the obvious ice planet with cold being the concern.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't believe the bugs are bad enough to warrant not finishing CL1 on 1.6.4. It needs the glorious ending that was hinted at. Even if Iskdandar doens't add it, the members on our server will create our own ending. Why would we then start a new map an play the same thing in 1.7?

CL2 needs to be different...not just CL1 on 1.7.10. How about a snow planet? What about using Galacticraft and having multiple planets? Focus on mods other than PC (as long as it remains an Industrial pack)

I agree CL2 needs to take you off the dusty planet and into space to either make your way back to home or find someplace more hospitable to live out your days. It could pick up where CL1 leaves off or even still start with crashing on the dusty planet but to warrant a new season it should take the player to new places. Perhaps Star Gates (SGcraft or LanteaCraft) could be added and when it comes out mythcraft for extra dimentions that would be the other worlds that the gates connect to. Otherwise Galacticraft also offers more planets to explore.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
@Shane2482, et al...

Wondering why the deep tanks in cities have the Light Blue stained glass as well as that glass everywhere. Everytime (every freaking time) I've tried creating a deep tank myself, I am FORCED to use clear glass and nothing but clear glass. The book shows seared glass alongside glass, but for some damn reason, I could never ever make a deep tank with anything but clear glass. I think regular glass works too but then it's not pickable (and looks dorky as hell). Just wondering if that's my bad luck or if anyone's ever been able to make one the way you're supposed to. the book even says any glass, stained glass, etc....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
pass this on to as many ppl as you can i want Iskandar to know ppl love his pack the way it is and they dont want to wait over 2 months for CL2
I think at this point Iskanadar knows I'm a big fan of his pack. A big part of that is that I enjoy the game play/performance balance. I have not experimented with 1.7 as everything I've read suggests it really isn't the place for me and my weak system. What I hear from players like Doomsquirter make me more that a bit nervous. All that said Iskandar doesn't and shouldn't build for me.

Personally I'd much rather have Iskandar concentrate on moving the current version towards a "finish point" warts and all. I see nothing in the bug list that should be insurmountable. I also see the wisdom in waiting, even if Iskandar decides to discard the 1.6.4 version unfinished. Players upset by current bugs may really be upset by a bunch of "random" new ones. I'd also point out that in jumping to 1.7 all of his active players will be learning the new system interactions which may limit the "free" tech support that is often offered by the "wiser" heads.

The simple fact though is that IF nothing in the 1.6.4 version can be readily moved over to 1.7 Iskandar may feel that he's practicing the five knuckle shuffle. Why spend a bunch of time working on something you'll have to discard. Even if nothing more is done though he may be better off waiting for the 1.7 introduction to mature before taking the leap. Perhaps this'll be a perfect excuse to allow his convalescence to continue for a bit.

@Shane2482 , you may also want to redact your OP I'm sure many players did not know about some of the exploits you mentioned.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Iskandar @Shane2482 @FunshineX @Landstryder
I agree with what people are saying on it so far - there's no point obsessing over doing everything over again! I'd say there's no gain or point to redoing the map just for a version update. Especially given the poor state of 1.7 mods right now. If you do do it, don't obsess over the bugs you can't fix if there's a reasonable workaround.

Once you're happy with how Crash Landing is for this version, on the other hand, it'd be really exciting to see a CL2!
I'll throw my own idea into the pan: use galacticraft, and start off stranded in space! Your special resource is not only water, but oxygen!
Space survival!! *Hype!*


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@shane & Iskandar

I'd say finishing the 1.6 version would be a more optimal use of time and effort. The simple fact is that 1.7 mod development is still too far away from being ready for the unique experience CL is. Push out 1.1.3, then make 1.1.4 a pure content release of quests with minor bug fixes, and call it 1.1.4 Final.

Once you guys get to that point, 1.7 goodies should be smoothing out and make starting CL 2 Dusty Boots a viable option to start an alpha build. Since the player base us strong, there's not much worry about losing so many players that it kills the project. Finishing 1.64 version and adding content not only buys time, it ensures longevity...just look at WOW or the Sims franchise for proof of that concept.

1.7 version will be a ground up rebuild which is why I mentioned alpha release. I'm assuming plans remain the same as far as keeping the pack lightweight, but the potential for new and/or replaced mods are very high and welcome. CL ripped me out of my comfort zone, tossed me out on my ass, and I love it as do 90 plus percent of your player base. I'm sure I'm not alone in hoping that when 1.7 settles down, CL 2 Dusty Boots does it to us again. :)
Sent from my obsolete Nokia via Tapatalk

This this needs to be done. @Iskandar I know how you feel about the bugs and such but wouldn't it just be better put out the end game in 1.1.4 and then call it quits with the "dust planet"? I mostly say this because I don't have the money to get a new computer and my video card is to old to support the new openGL that is used in 1.7.5+ so you will be losing maybe 1% (at most) of people that can't run the newer versions of MC. I hope you at least consider what I have said...... I really want to be able to finish Crash Landing! But it's your pack so do what you think is best.

Side note: If you don't believe me look up OpenGL 2.1 needed minecraft - and that should bring up results explaining what I am talking about

Sent From Something That You Won't Care About Using Tapatalk 2


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm playing with 2 other people so, 3 player game total. We find it hard to maintain sustainable food supplies early game. Same with water but we can manage with leaves/dirty water long enough. Does anyone have advice?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there an easy way to prevent bats from spawning anywhere in the game while not directly affecting the spawn rates of anything else in the game? Evidently I've gone too deep outside my base and now it seems like half the mobs are bats simply because they pile up after awhile.

Edit: trying Mob Spawn Controls mod.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm playing with 2 other people so, 3 player game total. We find it hard to maintain sustainable food supplies early game. Same with water but we can manage with leaves/dirty water long enough. Does anyone have advice?

Some early game food tips:

Make sure you have a good way of funneling mobs so you can get LOTS of bones every day. Not only can Bone + Pot + Bowl get you Stock (which you can eat), but Stock can be combined with Rice to get Rice Soup. It can also be combined with just about any 2 veggies (can be the same veggie) to make Garden Soup, which means that just about any veggie seed is another type of food.

Zombie Jerky, we know, is 2 salt and a Zombie Flesh. But if you make a Drying Rack (from TiCon, check NEI), you can hang Zombie Flesh on the drying rack and after a little while, you'll get Monster Jerky. This counts as a separate food from Zombie Jerky and really helps extend your food supply.

Tea > Coffee

If you're really having trouble, the Cantaloupe seed you get can help. 2 Cantaloupe + Bowl + Cutting Board gives you Fruit Salad. This works with any two fruit (like the Garden Soup). Sadly, this is about all that Cantaloupe is good for, so choose a different reward unless you are REALLY struggling.

Cities have more Beef Jerky. LOTS of Beef Jerky in fact. This is, however, a very dangerous method of gathering food, obviously.

Finally, don't be shy with the Bone Meal. Between mobs and Ex Nihilo you should have TONS of Bone Meal very very quickly. So if you find yourself in serious need, just go crazy.

EDIT: Something I felt I should add. If you're playing with multiple people, designate someone the "Chef." Pam's HarvestCraft is a BIG mod. It's got LOTS of options and LOTS of recipes, and learning all of it can be a bit of a chore. If you have someone who is interested, getting one person to spend some time looking over all the recipes in NEI and really learning the mod can be a big help. That will help them learn which foods are the best to make, which plants are the best to grow, etc. Also, remember that the 5 tools (Bowl, Pot, Mortar and Pestle, and Cutting Board) aren't the only cooking tools Pam's gives you. Make sure to make a Saucepan and Baking Tray as well.