[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is crash landing 2 in production. I hope that it deals with landing on a frozen planet and you have to melt snow instead of Sieving. It could be intesting as you try not to freeze to death.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1.8 has been in development for almost a full year, enough time for ten 1.7 secondary releases. i hardly call that a short time. it also goes to show how slowly mod devs are working on their mods nowadays.
I don't know..... I have a hard time calling mod development slow when last I heard it's a "hobby" for pretty much all of them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is crash landing 2 in production. I hope that it deals with landing on a frozen planet and you have to melt snow instead of Sieving. It could be intesting as you try not to freeze to death.
considering we're still in the beta, the chances of a sequel being in production is non-existent. that being said, a reverse situation like you say could be pretty fun, if done properly. who knows, maybe we can get iskandar to do just that.

I don't know..... I have a hard time calling mod development slow when last I heard it's a "hobby" for pretty much all of them.
that statement is illogical. just because they do it as a hobby, doesn't exclude them from descriptions of speed. when minecraft was still the hottest of fads, mod development was always a matter of days behind vanilla updates. we're almost two years behind now.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
CL2 does have a backstory. You are captured in the night. Put in a hospital. Force fed godawful food and have to fight your way out of said hospital, making your way back home in the freezing cold winter, drinking out of puddles till you reach your home where you are attacked by wild dogs and cats and then go have a shower and sleep and rest for 2 weeks. :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
Is crash landing 2 in production. I hope that it deals with landing on a frozen planet and you have to melt snow instead of Sieving. It could be intesting as you try not to freeze to death.
The suggestion was made :) for another crash landing pack only using magic mods instead of tech ones. He decided to finish this one first and then think about that interesting suggestion.

Shin Sekai

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've gone about 3000 meters from home looking for more big reactor buildings in cities to loot. So glad I setup my wireless camel pack and crafted a healing axe. Now food and water are things I never have to deal with lol. Sadly most cities I find don't have reactor buildings at all.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
Off topic: Hard to believe minecraft 1.8 is out now. I haven't even tried 1.7 yet lol.

Back on topic: Building a 7x17x7 big turbine is such a pain. I need to loot 5+ cities to get what I need to make it.
if you try it better turn off Alt Blocks in video setting first cause it is cause most people to lag like bad lag. the kind where you can't walk lag. Poeple just keep loading their saves from 1.7 and not checking their setting even though they said they took out 1 video option and aded 2 more. rofl Love people.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Well, they do have paper hot pots in Japan. Put the stew in the paper pot, put it over a burning fire and cook. Somehow it seems to work too so maybe a wooden fry pan would do just as well.
I think it's pretty obvious that aliens didn't land in roswell first. Explains how Japan has all the cool unique stuff, but makes me think those aliens were somehow tentacled. ick.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
if you try it better turn off Alt Blocks in video setting first cause it is cause most people to lag like bad lag. the kind where you can't walk lag. Poeple just keep loading their saves from 1.7 and not checking their setting even though they said they took out 1 video option and aded 2 more. rofl Love people.
what is this alt blocks you speak of? I'd have to load up a pack to try that, but yeah, at one point in 1.7.2 I had to disable the mipmapping altogether. I'd start a world, things are ok, then after a certain amount of time, my floor would completely disappear and I'd suddenly be chugging away at <1 fps and if I saved world, it would be corrupted. I did this repeatedly and the sad part is I would get to play for like an hour then that would happen. read up and people saying the mipmap settings need to be turned off completely and yes, that worked fine. Now scared to use mimaps whatsoever for fear of going through that again. No warm comfy feelings for me for anything 1.7 so yeah. get off my frigging lawn mojang!

edit: editor sucks and makes me phonetically mismatch words (only excuse I can think of, thinks != things)


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
Video settings
  • Alternative Block toggle
    • Can disable/enable (weighted) alternative block models
      • When turned off, the least complex highest priority model will always be used for each block
  • Use VBOs toggle
    • Can enable/disable vertex buffer objects
    • May offer a ~10% performance increase when set to ON
  • Anisotropic filtering has been removed
  • Render distance slider now goes up to 32 when using 64-bit Java
    • Requires 2 GB of allocated RAM
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Shin Sekai

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i think this needs some elaboration. because reasons.
Extra utilities healing axe, gives you free hunger and saturation when held in your hand. Who needs food? You need 3 unstable ingots and 2 sticks to craft it though, so it's not something you can get access to until late game.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Last thing to say about 1.8 or 1.7. I'm noticing alot of packs (can't download any, but I can read the forum :) ) that are geared around 1.7.10 and HQM. I hope Iskandar doesn't feel the need to jump that quick into the newest and greatest just cause. We don't have that many bugs atm, and that just screams exploits and abysmal performance all over.

The flip side tho, alot of mods aren't being developed in 1.6.4 anymore, thus, any bug fixes to be had, will probably only be viable in 1.7/1.8 so... yeah... The clash song should I stay or should I go now seems rather apropros. If I stay there will be trouble, if I go there will be double......
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1.8 has been in development for almost a full year, enough time for ten 1.7 secondary releases. i hardly call that a short time. it also goes to show how slowly mod devs are working on their mods nowadays.

Its not that they are moving slow its that the MC code had been compleatley rewrote for 1.7 so all the modders had to learn this new code and rewright there on codes to work


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Its not that they are moving slow its that the MC code had been compleatley rewrote for 1.7 so all the modders had to learn this new code and rewright there on codes to work
To be more precise, FORGE had to be rewritten, and the modders all had to adapt their code to FORGE, not MC as much. The whole beauty of forge is that it allows all the modders to forgo creating their own API/hook into MC's code to do the things they do. W/O forge, everyone would have to implement their own method of communicating with MC. TBH, Forge SHOULD be MC's responsibility but for some reason, they like it the way it is probably because of lawyers. Oh Oh Oh, we can have zombie lawyers in special mobs that throw briefs at you till you're buried in them. :) with my luck, they'll be boxer briefs. used ones... ick.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Extra utilities healing axe, gives you free hunger and saturation when held in your hand. Who needs food? You need 3 unstable ingots and 2 sticks to craft it though, so it's not something you can get access to until late game.
i just looked this up, along with the other unstable tools. quite... 'unique', is the word i think. almost completely useless, the lot of 'em, but still amusing.

Forge SHOULD be MC's responsibility
mojang's modding API, a promise since alpha. just sayin'

edit: removed a quote.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
as much as i'd love to believe that's the actual reason, i used to frequent the vanilla forums. the ego the big-time modders have nowadays is pretty sickening, not to mention how this affects their actions as people. probably the best example of this would be the whole fiasco with elorram (sp?) filing lawsuits against people who made any kind of redstone mod.
mojang's modding API, a promise since alpha. just sayin'

I take it you've never coded anything? It becomes your baby. When someone takes your baby and turns a clone out that people assume has some affiliation with your original, people end up believing that your original has all the faults that the clone does. It may not be 100% the same, but you don't just get trademark protection, you have to enforce it yourself, or lose it, thus the fallacy of suing people that produce things of this nature requires it regretably. I've spoken in irc or chat to at least 3 modders, one of them being a very familiar name, and these people are very down to earth, love what they do, and want to continue doing it. Like anything, a few bad apples spoil the tree, and that is so true for any community. Without naming names, people creating malware or malware like behavior in their mods, petty wars over ego (it happens), and things of that nature are the rare instance in comparison to the other 95% of the modders that don't partake in those kinds of actions. Yes, ego's exist, otherwise, we'd be using stone tools still (no jokes PODonnell). But yeah, I think the majority of the modders out there have the right stuff when it comes to what they do. They aren't being paid for it. And the public grief you get from people that have no respect for the work does wear you down after a while. Sadly, this is when good modders / coders end up trading in their hats for a different task and you lose out forever on what they could have made.

My comment about mojang's responsibility is pretty singular in nature. If they created a solid API, then they would have to fully support said API putting alot more resources (i.e. time / money) that they just don't want to do atm. On the flip side, having an outside party doing it ensures somewhat that the api stays neutral. but, what worries me is that they probably have the power at any time to shut them down, but they'd get so much hate for that act, that I think that's why they don't. But, that's not outside the realms of possibility. Look to EA and other companies like that. Anything's possible in this day and age when Jerry Springer-esque news attached to you gets more eyeballs than doing something good ala giving to charity or something along those lines.

Note: I'm a pessimist, so take this as you will... :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To be more precise, FORGE had to be rewritten, and the modders all had to adapt their code to FORGE, not MC as much. The whole beauty of forge is that it allows all the modders to forgo creating their own API/hook into MC's code to do the things they do. W/O forge, everyone would have to implement their own method of communicating with MC. TBH, Forge SHOULD be MC's responsibility but for some reason, they like it the way it is probably because of lawyers. Oh Oh Oh, we can have zombie lawyers in special mobs that throw briefs at you till you're buried in them. :) with my luck, they'll be boxer briefs. used ones... ick.

Still regarless of the details the fact remanes that 1.7 broke a lot of things when it comes to mods lets hope this dosent happen again with 1.8
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Still regarless of the details the fact remanes that 1.7 broke a lot of things when it comes to mods lets hope this dosent happen again with 1.8
It's like windows. You always skip the odd version. Same goes for linux/bsd. I habitually avoid every other major release for fear of something going wrong. Reading changelogs usually will give you one of two reactions. A warm fuzzy for all the things they're fixing, or a cold stare, looking at how they are adding a ton of things with none of the fixes for things that already exist you feel would be required.
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