[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm really enjoying the map, but after quite a few resets, I have disabled hardcore mode. I like a challenge, but there's a difference between a challenge and unfairness. If one of the OP mobs hasn't fallen into the trench, and I go outside, that's it, I'm dead, one shotted, no matter if I wear early game armor or not. I'd accept the hardcoreness if it's atleast fair, if I made a mistake and learn something each time I die(Better than Wolves does this pretty well).
It's a great map, but the hardcoreness/unfairness of the mobs is too much for me. I'll be enjoying it non-hardcore though!

Iskandar knows about the OP mobs and will be removing some of them in 113


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
I'm really enjoying the map, but after quite a few resets, I have disabled hardcore mode. I like a challenge, but there's a difference between a challenge and unfairness. If one of the OP mobs hasn't fallen into the trench, and I go outside, that's it, I'm dead, one shotted, no matter if I wear early game armor or not. I'd accept the hardcoreness if it's atleast fair, if I made a mistake and learn something each time I die(Better than Wolves does this pretty well).
It's a great map, but the hardcoreness/unfairness of the mobs is too much for me. I'll be enjoying it non-hardcore though!
No worries mate.

Viewed on a graph, yeah, there are some definite balance/scaling issues here and there. But the team has said they'll be making substantial changes throughout. As always, looking forward to the next versions of the mod.

*Edited for poor word choice.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm really enjoying the map, but after quite a few resets, I have disabled hardcore mode. I like a challenge, but there's a difference between a challenge and unfairness. If one of the OP mobs hasn't fallen into the trench, and I go outside, that's it, I'm dead, one shotted, no matter if I wear early game armor or not. I'd accept the hardcoreness if it's atleast fair, if I made a mistake and learn something each time I die(Better than Wolves does this pretty well).
It's a great map, but the hardcoreness/unfairness of the mobs is too much for me. I'll be enjoying it non-hardcore though!
After I got to the point where I was no longer racing the clock with water and food, I started doing daily backups. I consider the initial early game solved and have no intention of repeating because some mobs phased through the walls of my mob trap and killed me (it's pretty crowded in there). Dying on the in-game third day is OK, on the IRL third day is not. So I just save. This also allowed me to iterate on some designs that weren't working out without spending a day tearing them down.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
I've designed and rolled out multi million dollar network/system rollouts. During the budgetary portion of those projects, you always have to show the bean counters the dollar amount of the project that was itemized vs the load/usage for the systems. They'd always balk (guaranteed) but they'd really spin in their chairs when they see that built into the project is double or at least half of the systems in duplicate, and a 1/4 or at least 1/8 of what's in there as spares. Depending on what it was for, uptime had to be 4 9's (99.99%) or even more. even that lovely figure guarantees some failure. That safety net is what keeps you from being woken up at 3am and driving down to a noc/colo to replace a switch or worse, waking someone else to do it and feel the guilt while you snore away :)

That safety net is what you use to gain sanity back, knowing all your hard work doesn't get lost in one fell swoop. You plan multi site dynamic mirrors or multi stream / global load balanced across the world to cover your ass. Without those things, the human aspect (sleep, life, etc..) suffer. You can tell a good company from a bad company when they allow these kinds of things or don't.

In Minecraft, that safety net seems to be missing so much across the board. World loss used to happen to me so often that I started to get used to the idea of a world imploding and weeks worth of work gone down the drain or however many days it was till I backed up. but then, part of me didn't want to redo the past week/days work cause it's repetitive and a huge sense of deja vu.

It's a very fine line between having too much safety net where the sense of risk/reward is lost, and losing many days worth of work. It'd be great if things didn't happen like this, but it seems inevitable.

I say, it's put out there. Use aroma. Don't grouse about it and tell everyone you're using aroma or changing from hardcore to not. Who cares really? Just do it. we won't spy on you and talk behind your back.

I died from sync suffocation and totally lost it since I was assuming that the thing would work out of the box, but it didn't. I think I have a handle on sync now, tho who knows. Do I use aroma? yes. Would I restore a backup and redo a bunch of days or maybe hours worth of work from a stupid mistake I made? Dunno. Most likely not. If I was 2 months in, probably. The event itself dictates what I'd do, not some generic constant like always or never. I have good understanding of whether or not I have too much invested in what I'm doing, but in the end, if I restore or not, it's not like we're having a competition (are we, cause if we are, I totally change all my opinions above, ya know guys? :) )

Think about it. With sync, you'd have to die and then have no sync ready or be camp spawned by something inside ship. that is stupidity or bug. You either took the hard route cause you're muy macho, and now your getting your ass kicked cause of it, or you didn't protect the area that's most vital (or a bug). one of those is restorable, the other 2 are NOT. If you don't agree, just do it, but don't come here and tell everyone that does play it that things are unfair. The game is unrelenting at the beginning, but once you get an idea of what you are doing and you get into it, it's not so bad. If you played CL for 2 months and restarted 100 times and still not liking it, why are you playing? If you've been playing for 2 days and are complaining that it's just too hard, do this: /hqm edit. Now, go through the entire quest book and finish all the quests. Voila! YOU have finished the game. Now go play BnB. It's way easier than CL. /s
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moded guy 123

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm really enjoying the map, but after quite a few resets, I have disabled hardcore mode. I like a challenge, but there's a difference between a challenge and unfairness. If one of the OP mobs hasn't fallen into the trench, and I go outside, that's it, I'm dead, one shotted, no matter if I wear early game armor or not. I'd accept the hardcoreness if it's atleast fair, if I made a mistake and learn something each time I die(Better than Wolves does this pretty well).
It's a great map, but the hardcoreness/unfairness of the mobs is too much for me. I'll be enjoying it non-hardcore though!
It did something similar instead of disabling hard core I just disabled mobs from spawning so they can only spawn from mob spawners in the city[DOUBLEPOST=1409176755][/DOUBLEPOST]That's a big comment


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*shakes his head*

I think I just need to learn keep my mouth shut it's obvious which way the community is steering this pack. I'll just have to re-enable mods and edit configs to keep things evil enough for me.

and yes, poor Iskandar, he can't keep us all happy and more and more keep coming, I also expect he'll see a far higher percentage of extremley casual players.

For my part, thanks it's a great pack, even if I/we may bicker about what to call "unbalanced"
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Was there a list some where of what is considered an OP mob so I can avoid them as much as possible?:p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm really enjoying the map, but after quite a few resets, I have disabled hardcore mode. I like a challenge, but there's a difference between a challenge and unfairness. If one of the OP mobs hasn't fallen into the trench, and I go outside, that's it, I'm dead, one shotted, no matter if I wear early game armor or not. I'd accept the hardcoreness if it's atleast fair, if I made a mistake and learn something each time I die(Better than Wolves does this pretty well).
It's a great map, but the hardcoreness/unfairness of the mobs is too much for me. I'll be enjoying it non-hardcore though!
Ever played the Blood n' Bones pack? T_T
That is hard. Truly impossible. Maybe it's just me, and maybe it's the fact that I was doing MP, but it was ridonkulously hard. I have a friend who still goes nuts every time someone mentions that pack. It's scary, man, scary.

And then there's Agrarian skies... Which, no offense, I found rather pathetic to be called hardcore. The main dangers were starvation and falling, and for someone who has played a lot of skyblock, falling is a non-issue, and once you have enough dirt for a 9x9, food is never an issue again. It just wasn't that hard, as there weren't any mobs, and the iguana tweaks changes weren't an issue because tools on skyblock aren't particularly important. :p

This pack, though, this deserves the title hardcore. This is true best in class. It mixes everything a good hardcore pack needs:
Hardcore Respawn, ways to acquire lives - this does that balanced (unlike Agrarian Skies, which gave out hearts like there's no tomorrow).
Hardcore Food, but not just food - temperature and thirst are great and balanced as well.
Hardcore Mobs, that is, you really need a base to actually protect yourself. With mobgriefing off, you don't have to worry about creepers (in Bn'B, the creepers could see through walls. That sucked), but with limited resources, esp. early game, you need to get innovative to make spider and skeleton proof walls.
Hardcore Questing, that's just a necessity now... XD

So, yeah. Nice job making the world's best hardcore modpack. :D

Was there a list some where of what is considered an OP mob so I can avoid them as much as possible?:p
All of them. 0_o
Seriously, though, if you're not walling off the spaceship's door like you did when you first played MC and dug a hole and blocked it off because you didn't realize the what you're supposed to do first day is cut down trees 'till the sun goes down and that way you have a door can use your wood to be productive and mine the entire first night... //Run on sentence
(Let's try that again...)
If you're not hiding in your spaceship after walling it off, you're dead. Really. Just dead. ALL the mobs will kill you. At once.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm really enjoying the map, but after quite a few resets, I have disabled hardcore mode. I like a challenge, but there's a difference between a challenge and unfairness. If one of the OP mobs hasn't fallen into the trench, and I go outside, that's it, I'm dead, one shotted, no matter if I wear early game armor or not. I'd accept the hardcoreness if it's atleast fair, if I made a mistake and learn something each time I die(Better than Wolves does this pretty well).
It's a great map, but the hardcoreness/unfairness of the mobs is too much for me. I'll be enjoying it non-hardcore though!

Just take the Easy Route. You get the Sync Shell. This is an extra life. It takes a little more than half of the smallest TC Energy Cell's charge to make a new shell, and about a day of in-game time. If you're dying more than that, you need to be more cautious. As for recharging the cell (which you get as part of the Easy Route), just make a survivalist generator or two. They are very cheap and you can have them up and running by day 4 or 5 if you really push it, probably sooner once you've worked out the kinks in your starting strategy.

Seriously, IMO, removing Hardcore from this mod pack is really detrimental. Why ever worry about food or water then? "Oh no, I'm running out of food/water. Better get somewhere safe so when I die and can get all my stuff back and have a full food/hydration bar!" And because of The Easy Route, there is absolutely no reason to do this. You can have an extra life up and ready for action before the first night sets in, no problem.

Everyone's gana play differently, and it really doesn't affect me if you turn off the Hardcore. I just think you should give the map a try as intended and not stress so much if you lose a couple of worlds. It's really not that big of a deal. :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*shakes his head*

I think I just need to learn keep my mouth shut it's obvious which way the community is steering this pack. I'll just have to re-enable mods and edit configs to keep things evil enough for me.

and yes, poor Iskandar, he can't keep us all happy and more and more keep coming, I also expect he'll see a far higher percentage of extremley casual players.

For my part, thanks it's a great pack, even if I/we may bicker about what to call "unbalanced"

I see you have notice that over the last few days we have went from a few hardcore CLers and a cpl newbies to a huge influx of newbies. Which is good news but will be will be better when the websight is up and we have an actual faqs section


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just take the Easy Route. You get the Sync Shell. This is an extra life. It takes a little more than half of the smallest TC Energy Cell's charge to make a new shell, and about a day of in-game time. If you're dying more than that, you need to be more cautious. As for recharging the cell (which you get as part of the Easy Route), just make a survivalist generator or two. They are very cheap and you can have them up and running by day 4 or 5 if you really push it, probably sooner once you've worked out the kinks in your starting strategy.

Seriously, IMO, removing Hardcore from this mod pack is really detrimental. Why ever worry about food or water then? "Oh no, I'm running out of food/water. Better get somewhere safe so when I die and can get all my stuff back and have a full food/hydration bar!" And because of The Easy Route, there is absolutely no reason to do this. You can have an extra life up and ready for action before the first night sets in, no problem.

Everyone's gana play differently, and it really doesn't affect me if you turn off the Hardcore. I just think you should give the map a try as intended and not stress so much if you lose a couple of worlds. It's really not that big of a deal. :)
I'm actually kind of sad that Direwolf20 went on easy with Pahi, I really thought that if I could handle it, he could.
Not that I can actually handle it, but what's nice about this pack (as opposed to Bn'B...) is that I can tell that I can handle it, I just need to get my starting strategy working/play with friends ('cause double rewards are op, but if you play without, both of you will die).

EDIT: Because in every good modpack discussion, Direwolf20 and his mod balancing (or lack thereof) must come up at some point.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I see you have notice that over the last few days we have went from a few hardcore CLers and a cpl newbies to a huge influx of newbies. Which is good news but will be will be better when the websight is up and we have an actual faqs section
Yeah, maybe I'm just odd but I prefer games that not everyone will be able to succeed at.... that I may not be able to succeed..... but that if you can pull it off you have something to crow about. Sadly that's really not what MC is about. But I suppose comparing Mojangs funding to that of DF demonstrates which direction the public wants to go.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Was there a list some where of what is considered an OP mob so I can avoid them as much as possible?:p
avoid vampires (pig zombie vampires for the most part), and baby skels that run like the road runner. those 2 seem to be the worst. I don't really worry about brutes very much as long as I have a desert to run away from him in.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, maybe I'm just odd but I prefer games that not everyone will be able to succeed at.... that I may not be able to succeed..... but that if you can pull it off you have something to crow about. Sadly that's really not what MC is about. But I suppose comparing Mojangs funding to that of DF demonstrates which direction the public wants to go.

and thats the bigest prob with this pack is that it does things diff than what plp are used to and plp scream unfair insted of finding another way to do things


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
*shakes his head*

I think I just need to learn keep my mouth shut it's obvious which way the community is steering this pack. I'll just have to re-enable mods and edit configs to keep things evil enough for me.

and yes, poor Iskandar, he can't keep us all happy and more and more keep coming, I also expect he'll see a far higher percentage of extremley casual players.

For my part, thanks it's a great pack, even if I/we may bicker about what to call "unbalanced"
I think you misunderstand the concept of steering. @Iskandar is steering. We are all back seat driving. Essentially, he's throwing things out there, and seeing if the kids in the back seat start a fire with it or build an AA gun to get that "this freeway is radar patrolled by aircraft". I've said it before. If he just threw things out here, never read anything, never looked at comments (good/bad), he'd have no idea what direction it's going. By now, he's pegged me for "crazy man living with 200 cats in insane asylum" and you as conan the barbarian reincarnated. He is probably adjusting our conversations as needed via attenuation. Enough people chime in on a topic, it gets traction. If nobody complains, it's a good feature, rinse repeat. If we shut up about everything and just enjoy the thing he makes, the thing will suffer. If we complain and criticize like good netizens without any cursing, threats or hurling of creeper body parts, we're good. My comment (tho large but not largest by far) was geared towards the "It's hard, I need to do this to play it" not the "It's hard, how do I overcome this one part that keeps trapping me in a death cycle". The former, I've been ignoring for a while, the latter, I help as others do here. The former should just go play something else that suits them.

I'll give you all a hint. Most games have an end. Minecraft? Yeah, you get to see an end screen. what happens after that tho? You're back home. That's done for a reason. There's NO end to a mc game till you make one. Any person trying to rush towards the end of a game (who I count myself as one of) is doomed to not have fun playing minecraft unless they check that attitude at the door. I know. I had to do just that. it's sitting right there next my milli vanilli cd's.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
avoid vampires (pig zombie vampires for the most part), and baby skels that run like the road runner. those 2 seem to be the worst. I don't really worry about brutes very much as long as I have a desert to run away from him in.
Yeah, brutes are tough if you get stuck in with them at close range, but in a packs like this a major goal is to avoid getting stuck in close range with just about anything..... that said brutes winding up in your base as part of the reinforcement mechanism can get "interesting".... :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
so, I've been wondering about this for a while but haven't let myself get close for waila to tell me. I've seen zombies that look like they have fangs or spider mouth things. (sorry, I ran out of my quota for the day for word things). Are those vampire zombies? or something else. Are there vampire skels and vampire spiders or oh god vampire creepers? oh my. The day they can actually release mods that aren't PG 13 or thereabouts is the day I'll truly be worried about father toast. Now? I'd love to have a beer with him and figure out what happened in his childhood and if it was similar to mine :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, maybe I'm just odd but I prefer games that not everyone will be able to succeed at.... that I may not be able to succeed..... but that if you can pull it off you have something to crow about. Sadly that's really not what MC is about. But I suppose comparing Mojangs funding to that of DF demonstrates which direction the public wants to go.
What is DF?