[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think this is where galacticraft would be interesting, but yeah. premade mystcraft worlds or some such with biomes/etc... changed around. /s/dust/snow/g, etc.... but then that'd be just more of the same, wouldn't it? TBH, extending the stay on the one planet so your base can be continually used, and then being able to terraform a large chunk, or finding an incomplete terraforming station on a city that when you get near it, starts a countdown till annhillation, pops out a popcorn tub and tells you to get 50 clicks out from radius of blast, sit out there on your chair, under umbrella of course, munch popcorn and watch the piggies die horribly as your new oasis or snowland gets created. that would be epic. mmm popcorn infused with bacon bits.... /homer

Ideally it may have multiple threaded "endings". I for instance really tire of endgame, constantly fiddling with machine setups while not really being threatened by anything around me really isn't my thing. I for instance would welcome the opportunity to have lots of early games where I have to "solve the puzzle" of basic survival.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
ok quick question. Why does every waste time building a wall the first day and doing stuff they could be doing that night instead of setting up and growing trees?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ideally it may have multiple threaded "endings". I for instance really tire of endgame, constantly fiddling with machine setups while not really being threatened by anything around me really isn't my thing. I for instance would welcome the opportunity to have lots of early games where I have to "solve the puzzle" of basic survival.

Ditto, I enjoy the buildup, once everything is worry free, self sustained/maintained, and automated, I get bored and look for something new. New server, mod pack, or sometimes fill my inventory (no cheating with bags of holding or strong boxes) then abandon my home and search for a new place to start over.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
Ideally it may have multiple threaded "endings". I for instance really tire of endgame, constantly fiddling with machine setups while not really being threatened by anything around me really isn't my thing. I for instance would welcome the opportunity to have lots of early games where I have to "solve the puzzle" of basic survival.
I see that too. The beginning of CL is extremely fun, as you try to get the most optimal starting point. I agree that I too get bored configuring things over and over again as you've done dozens of times. I don't know how mc'ers just build and continue to build. Is the problem too many legos as a kid, or not enough? I don't know. (I had lots of legos but missed out on all the cool lego stuff that came much later) freaking spoiled brats... :)

I know, a sync shell thing. You get a sync shell in another planet and you can go back and forth between them w/o being able to bring stuff back, etc...

We differ in opinion of not having things threatening me tho. I like the challenge of pushing the hordes back, and keeping them out as long as they don't cheat. But yeah, I've said before, in agskies, I'd get to this point where I'd be like, ok, removing these 20-30 torches and running way over there and in 30 mins, be real suprised to find mobs everywhere. guess I'll just have to go kill them now! I think this is where CL outshines AGskies since it allows just that. Get cocky, run outside walls, poke one too many creeper, get ass handed back in return. Say to self, self, time to build some stuff.

I think the problem that really hits home to me is simple. There is tech progression, there is an impediment to tech progression, but the tiers you shoot for are one dimensional. They are what they are. There are some games (tron 2.0 is the only one coming to mind but I know of quite a few more) that allow you to sorta personalize your 'things' in that you get some doodads that do certain specific things and you can combine them in ways to do the thing you want the way you want. Add enough doodads, you come up with alot of complexity and interesting to figure out what works best, but I don't think anyone's done it so perfect that there isn't one combination of doodads that makes you invincible or one hit kills, etc... Then it's same as progression as we see it. Until something like that comes around, you're stuck (no matter how you sugar coat it) with the way of doing things like it is now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ok quick question. Why does every waste time building a wall the first day and doing stuff they could be doing that night instead of setting up and growing trees?
There are multiple paths to success...... I for instance, at that point in the game value the wall more than super early trees..... trees really are not all that useful until you have shears. I concentrate on basic defense, securing an area in which to work, and collecting enough dust to sieve through the night.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
ok quick question. Why does every waste time building a wall the first day and doing stuff they could be doing that night instead of setting up and growing trees?
Because a lot of prominent youtubers do this and that's where a lot of people get their info.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I do admit that in 1.1.1 I was against the standard wall strategy......., but I haven't had much luck with my 1.1.1 3X3 pit trap in 1.1.2


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Don't know Hoth!!! Sacrilege, on a ftb forum we should be able to assume that our fellow patrons have at least some understanding of the basis for modern "geekisms".

I kind of like the idea that a final quest requires the assembly/repair of some kind of ship, which we manage to crash again on the way home. Perhaps even some kind of random generator to come up with evil little worlds to try and survive on. I mean the fluff doesn't exactly describe our toons being skilled pilots or navigators......

Well i had plans to add The Wanderlust wreckage to the map for 113 but ran into a few problems so wont be this update so maybe 114 you can find the parts rebuild the Wanderlust

Edit: For anyone intrested you can see pics of some of the building progresion at Pics
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
the most truefull answer yet...rofl there are other defenses other then walls.
I have a big scythe.

I actually ran outta time in a city yesterday; failed to get to my bed before I got swarmed. I managed to get into a building, throw my chest armor on and beat back the hordes till dawn. Fairly epic moment.

I coulda run, but there was stuff on the ground I wanted, and zombie pigman buildings on all routes out of the area.
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Shin Sekai

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In 1.1.1 I never built any walls and just used beds to bypass night the entire play through. That's why in 1.1.2 I decided to never use beds and build walls instead. I also built all my stuff on the surface and didn't put a ceiling over anything cause I like the risk factor of ghast attacks. I'm thinking I could put high golems perched up on my walls to attack ghasts at night, like little turrets.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
In 1.1.1 I never built any walls and just used beds to bypass night the entire play through. That's why in 1.1.2 I decided to never use beds and build walls instead. I also built all my stuff on the surface and didn't put a ceiling over anything cause I like the risk factor of ghast attacks. I'm thinking I could put high golems perched up on my walls to attack ghasts at night, like little turrets.
What are high golems good for?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
i am not saying walls aren't a good idea. i am saying there are things you can do at night from the safety of your ship and walls on the first day waste allot of times and don't really move you foward other then the fact that you spend the night catching up on stuff when really the first night you should be sieving all night hands down.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What is there to catch up on first night? it's the second night when you have lots of little tasks to "catch up on".


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you're planning on sifting the first night all the way through that tells me you haven't tried to worry about a bed and that you need dust. Why not collect that dust by digging a trench around the little area of your shuttle or just dig down step style out of the back of the ship and down collecting dust and then you'll funnel the enemies in and can easily block/control them as they approach to either bake in the sun while you sift or address them from the high ground. Either way having a plan is the more important part and acting on it.

That's really what the hunger/thurst meters do is give you objectives (or small tasks) to accomplish. It doesn't let you sit around and lolly gag. You have to move and you have to move now. It's a very different pace than vanilla.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
i am not saying walls aren't a good idea. i am saying there are things you can do at night from the safety of your ship and walls on the first day waste allot of times and don't really move you foward other then the fact that you spend the night catching up on stuff when really the first night you should be sieving all night hands down.
I think it comes down to personal preference really. Me? I watched some youtubers and adapted my playstyle with some additions, not just copy/paste. I tend to try to get some breathing room but am aware of the time constraints, so I don't build a tiny area like DW20/Pahimar and alot of youtubers do. I build 33% of my walls trenches first night, gathering dust along the way, go inside, sieve, plant a tree and lock myself in for night. If I can make a couple torches, good, if not, trench the inside area that's not built out, etc.. 2 more days/nights of that and I'll finish the walls/trenches that are the size I want, and have alot of stuff to do at night and I can go full on towards trees with room to plant 3-6 trees at once with some protection and then things take off from there and I build farms, more ammo. One of the things I work towards is the vaccuous for my axe to help collect the drops and use it ALOT. I swing my axe around at anything/everything to pick up drops and it works great. no magnet mode for me.

It's like watching people play RTS's. Some turtle, some rush. At this one place I worked in 2000, alot of us played starcraft so we'd play and there was this one guy who'd rush constantly and he could kick 3 of our asses at once. the guy was insane. I'd turtle and build up and he'd decimate me with whatever side he'd play, zerg, protoss, human, didn't matter. There was another guy that loved carriers and would try to rush people with his fleet, and he'd decimate him each and every time, not memorizing playstyle, the guy was just that good. Some people like that can just jump in and analyze the playfield and boom, you're off. Me? I like turtles.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
i'm sorry i can't find any info on this "high golem" there is an entry on the very last page in steelworks and you but it is just a pic. if someone can provide a link other then the 1 post on the reddit that had no info plz?[DOUBLEPOST=1409004291][/DOUBLEPOST]i look at the larger pic. if i spend the day grinding on tree i am more likely to get a worm which means a bed by night 2. then i can worry about walls when i can sleep 2 or 3 night and knock it out then stay up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i'm sorry i can't find any info on this "high golem" there is an entry on the very last page in steelworks and you but it is just a pic. if someone can provide a link other then the 1 post on the reddit that had no info plz?[DOUBLEPOST=1409004291][/DOUBLEPOST]i look at the larger pic. if i spend the day grinding on tree i am more likely to get a worm which means a bed by night 2. then i can worry about walls when i can sleep 2 or 3 night and knock it out then stay up.