[1.6.4]Crash Landing [Hardcore, HQM] version 1.1.x BETA STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Avoiding all mobs on this pack would be problematic, they are an important early resource, and you need the cooler work time in the evening. I for one would call beds a very two edged sword.

It makes the early game tight on food, admittedly, but it gives you the chance to set up an efficient mob trap to go with your defenses. In my current game (the inauspiciously named "Attempt 13"), I was able to set up water streams in a moat to push all the mobs that attack my base into a drowning trap. I have more bones and arrows than I need, and it also provides a surprisingly large amount of fish (though that will go away with the removal of fishing zombies).

ETA: Which would have been difficult to impossible with special mobs, as sizable proportion of zombies and skeletons survive right through the day.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There are plenty of options for people who want to play on peacefull mode a mod pack labeled hard core may not be the place for you.

People who've suffered major trama may have difficulty playing a wide variety of Xbox fps war games.... That doesn't mean every video game must be mariocart.
the only thing is that we bolth love the concept of this pack


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am actually having a Problem downloading this pack, it simply says "Error Downloading Modpack" After it has completed the download.


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
I am actually having a Problem downloading this pack, it simply says "Error Downloading Modpack" After it has completed the download.
Ok, grab the FTBLauncherLog.txt and pastebin and post a link for me, if you would. (the log should be in the same directory as the launcher itself)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It makes the early game tight on food, admittedly, but it gives you the chance to set up an efficient mob trap to go with your defenses. In my current game (the inauspiciously named "Attempt 13"), I was able to set up water streams in a moat to push all the mobs that attack my base into a drowning trap. I have more bones and arrows than I need, and it also provides a surprisingly large amount of fish (though that will go away with the removal of fishing zombies).

ETA: Which would have been difficult to impossible with special mobs, as sizable proportion of zombies and skeletons survive right through the day.

I actually find that you don't need mobs for food if you can get a soybean early on. You get plenty of bone meal from sifting and all Pam's foodstuff only require 2 to get to maturity. 1 Soybean makes I believe 3 soup stocks, which can be turned into Rice Soup. Then you can turn Rice into Bread and Toast (both count separately towards the diminishing returns) and Soybeans themselves can be turned into Garden Salad.

Right now I actually have a 9x9 Plot with Soybeans, Rice & Cantelopes. Making fruit juice, fruit salad, rice soup, bread, toast and garden salads. I actually have so much food I don't know what to do with it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Weird, Nevermind Iskandar. I deleted the instance of my .log file, and the first instance i tried to download and it worked. False Alarm. I have the Latest copy and look forward to trying it out later. Apparently i am being called.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you're lucky enough to get the soybean. I've been through close to 3 stacks of dirt trying to get it. Is there an easier way to get it other than sifting or boning grass? Cuz I really want my soybean before I go further into my quests.

watch - you're going to tell me that I can get it from one of the quest I am not doing because I want the soybean first. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2012
I think hoeing/bonemealing grass gets you random seeds, so be sure to get a large patch of grass before trying this.

even if you don't get soybeans, you'll get a hella lot more plants, which is always good.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think hoeing/bonemealing grass gets you random seeds, so be sure to get a large patch of grass before trying this.

even if you don't get soybeans, you'll get a hella lot more plants, which is always good.

I know but I want my pizza - like now. And all kinds of other good stuff like ice cream.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
how do i go in and change the minecraft settings to make a just plane survival every time instead of the hardcore world


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
One nice thing about reverting to Special Mobs 2.6 is that is has a config option to turn off creeper destruction for all the special ones.

You can't get rid of the hardcore mode. Easiest option would be to make a room with your sync shell, cheat in a creative energy cell, and you're good to go.

To get seed right click a grass block with a hoe/mattock. Watering can helps spread grass to dirt.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Speaking of food…

When SpiceOfLife was added, I thought I would hate it, that it would just get in the way of building and automating and ticking off quests. But I find I'm actually really liking it and can see huge potential in it.

But I must admit have been a bit lazy with my cooking and have survived indefinitely on zombie jerky, stock, garden soup and rice soup. And I think the rice soup is probably optional. My entire food garden consists of one asparagus plant and one rice plant. Which I bone meal when I get hungry. Oh, I added a soy plant to get milk for one of the quests, but haven't eaten any of it.

I currently have an overflowing gold chest full of Pam's seeds and saplings (collected while seeking a red flower for dye), but feel no need to grow any of them.

I would like the SpiceOfLife settings to be ramped up a bit to force me to eat a wider variety!!

Perhaps increasing new.player.food.eaten.threshold to 80 to give players time to get established.
And increasing food.history.length to 160.

This would need play testing… I'll try these settings out when I start a new world for 1.1.2.

Bon appétit, and
KeepOnDigging![DOUBLEPOST=1406765180][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh Iskandar, for 1.1.2… please remember to add glistening melons as a rare mob drop :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2012
Previous runs, I've managed to live off of sunflowers and rice alone. This run, I got a grape seed and holy hell you can use it in so much I just don't even.

I used to play a lot of magic farm before this, but I never really took the time to learn food. This pack has changed this so much.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Previous runs, I've managed to live off of sunflowers and rice alone. This run, I got a grape seed and holy hell you can use it in so much I just don't even.

I used to play a lot of magic farm before this, but I never really took the time to learn food. This pack has changed this so much.
yea when i start the two foods i try to get are the grape and strawberry with them you can make more food than you will ever need fruit salad, strawberry and grape salad, and juices and when you get sugar cane jelly, as well as some other foods. i have one of each and will just take a stack of bonemeal to each and im set for days
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh and one more thing...

The item transfer node recipe for Openblocks needs to be gated behind something else. I would recommend steel from the high oven or rubber (sifting dirt for rubber seeds).

(Item Transfer Node is Extra Utilities not Open Blocks)

Rubber is far too rare. In seven games that have made it to pneumatic craft I've had zero rubber seeds. Total combined dirt sifting is in excess of 20 stacks. This is several deviations from norm at 2% and implies the 2% number is not a proper value.

The reasoning behind this is that the Igneneous extruder is gated behind the PITA Pneumaticcraft and the Transfer Node can do the same thing with a vanilla cobble gen (and does it faster and better) but only requires that you established a slab furnace to be able to make.

In the last game I played I had this up within 20 minutes and 30 minutes after that I had completely walled off a massive area (with lighting) from my barrel of cobble. Plenty of room to expand, no danger or risk, just food/water management (at least until you get a 9x9 farm plot going).

You can wall off an area with dust, it's not even noticeably more difficult than doing it with cobblestone.

The extruder is harder, well because *all* of TE is harder through the machine frame. But the extruder can also form obsidian without needing to make a better pick (bronze, generally) as well as forming smooth stone at zero cost. You could be arguing to make the extruder easier instead of requesting a trivial job to be done manually instead of automated.

It's also arguably easier to manually hammer out gravel from a lava cobble generator rather than picking it up from a chest, building it in the world, etc... Gravel made in this way isn't even in danger of getting eaten from the lava. (Don't use the pyro for this though, as hammering smooth stone just gives Stone items from ex-nihilo)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So evidently I have to wait for it to rain, likely more than once, for these seeds to propagate so that I can make blue plastic from them so that I can continue down this quest line?

Is this for real? What a PITA.[DOUBLEPOST=1406767518][/DOUBLEPOST]
(Item Transfer Node is Extra Utilities not Open Blocks)

Rubber is far too rare. In seven games that have made it to pneumatic craft I've had zero rubber seeds. Total combined dirt sifting is in excess of 20 stacks. This is several deviations from norm at 2% and implies the 2% number is not a proper value.

You can wall off an area with dust, it's not even noticeably more difficult than doing it with cobblestone.

The extruder is harder, well because *all* of TE is harder through the machine frame. But the extruder can also form obsidian without needing to make a better pick (bronze, generally) as well as forming smooth stone at zero cost. You could be arguing to make the extruder easier instead of requesting a trivial job to be done manually instead of automated.

It's also arguably easier to manually hammer out gravel from a lava cobble generator rather than picking it up from a chest, building it in the world, etc... Gravel made in this way isn't even in danger of getting eaten from the lava. (Don't use the pyro for this though, as hammering smooth stone just gives Stone items from ex-nihilo)

Well, your opinion - I find it trivializes not only the first base establishment, but also the heat related mechanic to being close to your cobble gen (lava) that was added by Enviromine.

Before I added the item transfer node I actually had to worry about overheating standing that close to the cobble gen to mine. Now I just collect cobble and feed it to an Autonomous activator facing another autonomous activator loaded with hammers.

So yes, I'd like for this to be made a little harder. I find that the XU stuff (You're right, I don't know why I said Openblocks - just a brain fart) is more than a little cheaty if you know how to use it right.

And really, all I'm saying is move it back a couple of hours, not put it behind the stupid Pneumaticcraft wall.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd suggest going exploring with a jetpack. Just saying.

I'm ready to explore :D



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have an issue with I think its NEI loading.
I had it the first time i played, then I change i think the sort order which was defaulted to R.
When I died, i didnt get nei or anything else that was helpful.


starting around line 170
then around 375, it looks like alot of the mods are missing something.
I was trying to find another way to reload the mod pack through the launcher.

I dont see anything else that I can do so I can play it with NEI as the recipes are useful when Im starting to learn the pack.

here is a screenshot of what I see when I hit E

Thanks for any help.


  • FTBlauncher.png
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